2815 Indian Wells

Potential Uses

Restaurant - Fast Food/Dining/Brewing, Entertainment, Retail - Freestanding, Retail - Convenience Store, Retail - Grocery Store/Supermarket, Retail - Strip Mall/Shopping Center, Automobile Dealership, Automotive Services, Hospitality - Hotel/Motel, Assisted Living - Nursing Home, Bank/Financial Institution, Offices, Professional Offices, Doctors Office, Pharmacy, Medical Services, Residential - Subdivision, Residential - Apartments/Multi-Family, Residential - Mobile Home Park - RV Park, Church/Worship, School, Government, Self Storage, Office Warehouse, Industrial/Manufacturing/Warehousing

Property Description

The property located at 2815 Indian Wells Blvd. in Alamogordo is a commercial building site consisting of four lots, offering a total of 200 feet of frontage and 250 feet of depth, equating to 50,000 square feet. Surrounding the property are several key establishments, including a number of medical offices, Christus Regional Medical Center (the only hospital in Alamogordo), New Mexico State University – Alamogordo, the New Mexico Museum of Space History, the Tays Special Events Center, and Walmart Neighborhood Market. Indian Wells Boulevard serves as one of Alamogordo’s primary east-west arterial routes, which are all interconnected by Scenic Drive, which circles the eastern and northern periphery of the city. It benefits from being only one block from the Walmart Neighborhood Market and near New Mexico State University/Alamogordo and Christus Regional Medical Center. Its convenience to the hospital would also make apartments on this location well suited to traveling nurses, who look for fully-furnished apartments with all utilities and other amenities provided. On the attached aerial photo, these lots have County numbers R018138, R021933, R018140 and R021932.

Property Size

Priced at $5.00 per square foot, $250,000, for a purchase of the entire tract of four lots. The East two lots or the West two lots can be purchased for $125,000. For a single lot purchase, the west lot, County number R018138, with 50 feet of frontage on Indian Wells Blvd, and 250 feet of depth, totaling 12,500 square feet of area, can be purchased for $60,000. This lot will support a 3,000 Square Foot building with parking.




All utilities are available adjacent to, or in the immediate area of these lots.


This property is zoned C-3 Business, which permits a range of uses including retail establishments, medical and professional offices, restaurants, banking, pharmacies, and various other related businesses, as well as multi-family residential development.

Access & Easements

The property is directly accessible via Indian Wells Boulevard, and is situated just one block from the Neighborhood Walmart

Flood Zone

Flood Zone X


Neighboring businesses include Walmart Neighborhood Market, New Mexico State University/Alamogordo, The New Mexico Space Museum of Space History and Christus Regional Medical Center.


Property slightly slopes to the alley which runs along the north(rear) boundary, calling for fill prior to construction.

Significant Benefits

It benefits from being only one block from the Walmart Neighborhood Market and near New Mexico State University/Alamogordo and Christus Regional Medical Center. Its convenience to the hospital would also make apartments on this location well suited to traveling nurses, who look for fully-furnished apartments with all utilities and other amenities provided. For multi-family use view of the nearby mountains provides architectural opportunities for creative architects. This would be a unique amenity for apartment dwellers in Alamogordo.

The information and exhibits provided are believed to be accurate. However, no warranty of any kind passes with this information. The responsibility for reliance upon this information rests with the user, who is encouraged to verify any and all information. Michael Shyne or Westsource Corp, LLC is either the Owner, the representative of the Owner, or the real estate Broker for this property.

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