Review the available Westsource properties below. Properties are available by purchase or long-term ground lease. View the map to find properties available in your selected areas of the city, by clicking on each property’s red “W” to open the information page on that property. Or use use the filter to find a property that fits your real estate needs.

308-328 West Tenth Street - Near the West Tenth Street Entrance to Alamogordo
35,000 SF - 95,000 SF

14,680 SF - 32,670 SF

400 Mercury Drive

630 Acres on U.S. Highway 70 West of Alamogordo
1.0 AC - 630.0 AC

700 & 800 North Scenic
11,500 SF - 28,000 SF

811 College Avenue

Air Business Center/Alamogordo
1.0 AC - 700.0 AC

1.0 AC - 34.7 AC

SW Corner of the Relief Route Intersection with Hwy 54/70
2.0 AC - 30.3 AC

The Northwest Corener 26 acres at the Intersection of US Highways 54, 70 and 82, the North Entrance to Alamogordo
10.0 AC - 26.0 AC