308-328 West Tenth Street - Near the West Tenth Street Entrance to Alamogordo
Potential Uses
Restaurant - Fast Food/Dining/Brewing, Entertainment, Retail - Freestanding, Retail - Convenience Store, Retail - Grocery Store/Supermarket, Retail - Strip Mall/Shopping Center, Automobile Dealership, Automotive Services, Hospitality - Hotel/Motel, Assisted Living - Nursing Home, Bank/Financial Institution, Offices, Professional Offices, Doctors Office, Pharmacy, Medical Services, Residential - Apartments/Multi-Family, Residential - Mobile Home Park - RV Park, Church/Worship, School, Government, Self Storage, Office Warehouse, Construction
Property Description
TENTH STREET, Alamogordo’s primary east-west arterial thoroughfare, starts at its signalized intersection with the Alamogordo Relief Route - US Highways 54 and 70 - and continues east, through the city for three miles, to the base of the Sacramento Mountains, the easterly boundary of Alamogordo. Tenth Street serves most of the residential neighborhoods of the city, and includes the Downtown district, Walgreens, Lowes and Albertsons supermarkets, the Public Library, most of the city’s banks and a variety of the other primary businesses serving Alamogordo’s residents. It also is the “going home” route five days a week for many of Holloman Air Force Base’s civilian and military personnel. So a location on Tenth Street assures businesses of good exposure to customers. This property is composed of two separate areas, the Tenth Street frontage tract totaling approximately 73,240 SF (see explanation of required title work needed to develop this property), and approximately 23,400 SF of property located across Eleventh Street, to the north of the frontage tract. See two sketch plats attached.
Property Size
These two tracts, 73,240 sf and 23,400 sf, totaling over 95,000 square feet of area when the title work is completed, with 318 feet of frontage on Tenth Street, extends from Lawndale Avenue, its west boundary to McLean Avenue, its east boundary. See two sketch plats attached.
Utilities are in the area, serving nearby businesses. Some utilities will have to be extended to the site, at the expense of the developer.
M-2 Industrial, allowing a variety of commercial uses.
Access & Easements
This property is accessed by Lawndale Avenue, McLean Avenue, Tenth Street and Eleventh Street.
An overhead electric line easement of ten feet in width crosses the property from east to west. Easement Modification Notice is attached.
Flood Zone
The Downtown Business District and this area are in the AH Flood Zone.
Both the frontage tract and the Eleventh Street tract are composed of smaller lots that will have to be merged and replatted into single tracts. The frontage tract includes an internal alley that needs to be vacated by the City of Alamogordo as part of the replat process. In addition, an overhead electric line easement, designated “Power Lines Easement,” was shown on the original subdivision plat from 1900. That original easement was 35 - 40 feet in width. In 2000, the Texas New Mexico Power Company affirmed that it vacated all but ten feet of the overall width of the easement, by “Change of Utility Easement” recorded in Book 943 at Page 10 of the records of the Otero County Clerk, copy attached. The new ten foot wide easement needs to be incorporated into the merging and replat of the frontage tract, appropriately for the property title to be marketable and insurable.
Significant Benefits
These two overall tracts total almost 100,000 square feet, making this site suitable for a large number of development projects. Locating your business at this site will give it first visibility as traffic and customers enter Alamogordo from the Tenth Street/Relief Route signalized intersection. all four sides of the frontage tract are public streets, making access and visibility exceptional.