Indian Trail Subdivision Lots

Potential Uses

Restaurant - Fast Food/Dining/Brewing, Entertainment, Retail - Freestanding, Retail - Convenience Store, Retail - Grocery Store/Supermarket, Retail - Strip Mall/Shopping Center, Automobile Dealership, Automotive Services, Hospitality - Hotel/Motel, Offices, Professional Offices, Doctors Office, Pharmacy, Medical Services, Residential - Subdivision, Residential - Apartments/Multi-Family, Residential - Mobile Home Park - RV Park, Church/Worship, School, Government, Self Storage, Office Warehouse, Industrial/Manufacturing/Warehousing, Construction

Property Description

Indian Trail Subdivision is located immediately south of Bowlin’s Running Indian Curio Shop, on the west side of US HWY 70, just south the signalized intersection with Alamo Street to La Luz and the La Luz Gate Road leading to Holloman AFB. These lots are each approximately 1 acre in size with electricity and natural gas fronting along with boundary with HWY 70. The Purchaser will install a well and septic tank at Purchaser’s expense. Bowlin’s Running Indian Curio shop has been at its location, adjacent and immediately north of these lots since 1955. It is a landmark in the area and will provide continous benefit in attracting business to whatever is placed on these lots.

Property Size

Lot 1 R027120- 1.017 acres with 109.52 feet of frontage on HWY 70- $60,000 Lot 2 R033651– 1.00 acres with 152.39 feet of frontage on HWY 70 - $50,000 See plat map attached.




These lots are each approximately 1 acre in size with electricity and natural gas fronting along the HWY 70 boundary. The Purchaser will install a well and septic tank at Purchaser’s expense.


Otero County does not have zoning regulations.

Access & Easements

Access to US HWY 70 is by NMDOT – approved permit, attached. Lots 1 and 2 share a driveway. US HWY 70 between Alamogordo and Tularosa has recently received a $33,000,000 road reconstruction project. Part of that project included paving the driveway ramps that lead to these lots. The fact that these driveways are “NMDOT Permitted” is critical. Many of the accesses to US HWY 70 that existed prior to the reconstruction project were closed because they were not NMDOT permitted accesses.


Neighbors included Bowlin’s Running Indian Curio Shop, and Dollar General. Two major tourist attractions located to the north of these lots are Heart of the Desert Pistachios and Wines, and McGinn’s Pistachioland. Take advantage of the thousands of tourists passing this property every day intending to spend their money in our region.


Some nearby land uses are not very attractive.

Significant Benefits

US HWY 54/70 extends northeast to Amarillo, Texas, North to Albuquerque, south to the El Paso, Texas, Juarez metroplex, and southwest to Las Cruces, and interstate 10 and 25. These lots benefit from tremendous exposure to the travelling public. Plus, Bowlin’s Running Indian Curio Shop, a neighbor to the north, has been a stopping point for the travelling public for over 50 years.

Seller financing is available at 8% interest over 10 years. Call to discuss payments based upon a down payment of 30% of the lot price. The two-page Restrictive Covenants, attached, cover these lots. 2024 Otero County property taxes were $280 per lot for the full year.

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